POTW - Punter Profile

Alias: thelovefang

Joined: Can’t remember exacts but I was one of the first

It was December 2016 - very early

Referred by: I saw it on twitter and thought I'd have a look.

Is there anything in particular that you really enjoy about the platform?

I enjoy being able to bet frequently without the risk of doing so with real money, that can become pretty expensive... as I’ve found out a few times lol.

Do you have a specific type of betting strategy?

I play to win, first is first, second is nowhere. But it’s definitely about going big at the right moments.

Have you got an arch nemesis on the platform, someone that you really enjoy beating?

There was a time I ran four seconds in a row to C.C.Deville, so probably that guy...

Do you remember what your biggest win (with us or elsewhere)? What did you do with it?

My biggest win on here was winning a winner takes all of about $900, but my biggest win on the punt came on a horse called Bearskin, a first starter for Tony Gollan.

I used to be a stable hand for a brief time and had a feeling he had above average ability. I wasn’t far off a five figure collect that day and managed to get myself banned by a few corporates haha

If you were to change one thing about the platform, what would it be and why?

The minimum of 5 bets in a tournament cost me $400 recently. I didn't bet enough times and hadn't realised.

If you were a piece of furniture, what would you be?

Probably a door cos I’m often hanging lol

If you could be a character on a TV show, what show and who?

I’m often told I’m very similar personality to jay from the inbetweeners, so probably that guy.