Win the Target with a Little Help from Plunge

If you’ve been on the SportChamps platform, chances are you’ve played a target challenge by now, and if you haven’t - you’re missing out!

On Thursday’s they pay 10X on five to one odds – THAT’S STUPIDLY BIG OVERS.

Cheat Code: So much so, you can afford to rebuy eight times on your way to reaching the target, and still be in front. (#FreeMoneyAnyone)

Simply put, here’s what you do to play a Target Challenge:

1 - Pick a Target.

2 - Select your entry fee (how much you're willing to risk).

3 - Turn your 10,000 ChampCash into the Target amount.

4 - Count your money.

So with no further ado, here’s how to improve your chances of reaching the target, and getting paid.


Have you heard things like “there’s been a big plunge on X” or “there’s been a late plunge on Y” before?

What that generally means is that a significant sum of money, from one, or multiple Punters, has been waged on a horse / dog.

Here’s why is that might be important.

It could:

  • indicate strong interest / support, and / or

    • allude to information coming from those in the know.

With the Plunge App. they’ll alert you to these opportunities via push notification to your phone, so you have the chance to take advantage, should you see fit.

The Plunge algorithms incorporate a range key factors based on statistically proven data, with a key factor being significant market movement at specific moments within the market lifecycle.

Last week across ANZ thoroughbreds, Plunge had gone 10 winners (and a second) from 11 notifications from Tuesday to Sunday.


If you follow the money via the Plunge App, and it delivers you a winner, you could be well on your way to reaching the SportChamps target, and getting paid.

Play a Target Challenge today, and download the Free Plunge App from the Apple or Google Play store now to be best equipped.

**This is a sponsored post from Plunge, in conjunction with SportChamps. Past performance doesn’t indicate future performance. Always gamble responsibly