Triple M admits the Stations Three M’s Stand for “Mmm Boobs”…

Laddish FM broadcaster Triple M has been under fire for its “Boy’s Club Culture” in the wake of Barry Hall’s ill-advised comments about a procedure a colleagues pregnant wife was set to undertake.

The stations head of programming, D.A Boiz, conceded that as the man known as Big Bad Bustling Barry isn’t a trained obstetrician, he “probably wasn’t” the right man to host Triple M’s Memorable Membrane Sweeps of the Week, and the popular segment would be discontinued until a trained health professional joined their Friday Night Football team.

Adamant the station didn’t have a culture problem, or lack of respect for women, Boiz pointed towards the stations name as evidence of their commitment to "loving chicks".

“You just have to look at our name… It stands for Mmm Boobs. We love women.”

As for MMMSOTW (Triple M’s Memorable Membrane Sweeps of the Week), it has been replaced by the How Are Your Dad’s Haemorrhoids Half Hour in the lead up to the first bounce.