Jarrod Pullman

Jarrod is one of the champions of tournament betting at SportChamps headquarters. Mainly punts on the AFL, but once had a bet on a Sri Lankan womens tennis tournament to use a Bonus Bet. He lost.

Melbourne, Australia https://www.sportchamps.com.au 15 posts
SportChamps: a shit-hot way to bet

SportChamps: a shit-hot way to bet

Everyone loves backing winners and taking cash off the bookies, but nothing strokes the ego like getting one over your…

Jul 20, 2017
A not-so-standard Sandown preview

A not-so-standard Sandown preview

Another cold winter’s day, another tough midweek card at Sandown (Hillside). Honestly, some of these races are harder to…

Jul 18, 2017
The return of which enigmatic sprinter is causing headaches for punters?

The return of which enigmatic sprinter is causing headaches for punters?

The English Collins Dictionary defines an enigma as: a person, thing, or situation that is mysterious, puzzling, or ambiguous. Or,…

Jul 13, 2017